Saturday, January 21, 2012

I got bit by a spider on my top lip.

Alright so I just moved into my brother's room. Now it's my room. And since I got all my things situated, I slept on my bed and the next morning I wake up with a bite on my lip! As I take a closer look at it I realized that it was from a spider! I saw two little dots from where it's fangs stuck and put venom. And of course I freaked out and I looked up on Google "How to get rid of a spider bite on your lip." So of course some site popped up and I found some solutions to help get rid of it. Here are some:

  • Tea Tree oil, I got mine for 10$ 
  • Aloe Vera, I got a chap stick, it's a Banana Boat Brand for 2$
  • Vitamin E will help, that also came with the chap-stick
  • Some sort of antihistamine, I got Claratin
  • Some cold thing like Ice to help reduce swelling, I used a can of tea.
  • Tylenol, Aspirin. I used both.
So far the TTO(Tea Tree Oil) works, it had made the swelling come down in about 2 hours, the bump is still there but it got a little smaller. The Aloe Vera with Vitamin E chap-stick I think is working also. I am not sure about the Claraton, but that is supposed to help reduce swelling also. Because since I got bit I guess I got an allergic reaction, because our bodies aren't used to the venom. And the cold can probably did help and the Aspirin helped it not hurt. It only hurts a little and it's gets really annoying.

And cleaned my room more by vacuuming and  my older brother freeze my room about by opening my window and closing my door and putting a blanket down at the bottom of the door so it won't get out and so that the cold would hopefully kill it.